Sunday, December 23, 2012

What Is The Meaning Of Sunflowers

There are a few occasions that flowers can't enhance. We see them at births, holidays, graduations, weddings and even funerals. Flowers have long been associated with symbolic meanings. Some people even plan their whole gardens based on these symbolic meanings.

Some florists even go so far as to provide information about the so-called meaning of flowers to those who are interested. They have charts of flowers with their assigned meaning to help people who want to send the right flowers to their special someone.

According to these charts, sunflowers are associated with adoration. It is said that the flowers, with their big blossoms, turn toward the sun for which they are named. Sunflowers are even given the genus name helianthus which refers to Helios, the sun god.

The sunflower is found native to America and was even give the honor of being named the state flower of Kansas. It can typically be found growing in scrubland and dry areas. Their size varies widely depending on their genes. Some reach heights of 10 feet.

Sunflowers come in smaller sizes, as well. Some have been bred to be miniature for use in gardens. You'll find that sunflowers are quite unique. Their petals have changed through years of breeding. Their petals have increased in size and number.

There are sunflowers with double petals, as well as, those with variations in color of the center and the petals, which can be honey, beige, pinkish cream, soft yellow and pale russet.

There are many benefits derived from sunflowers aside from their pleasant appearance. They are loaded with healthy fats, vitamin E, protein, fiber and minerals. You'll find that sunflower oil is used for cooking. It's seeds are great animal food.
Cattle and birds love it. The seeds were also used by Native Americans as dye. 

The smaller versions of sunflowers make wonderful displays as cut flowers bouquet and flower arrangements. Why not try planting some varieties of sunflowers in your garden today? 

Sunday, December 16, 2012

What Are The Meanings Of Tulip Flowers

Tulip flowers have elegant flower shapes with variety of colors. This make them a comfortable flower choice. Each color of tulips have its own meaning, but you can choose for your own desire. It does not have to follow the meaning it you like the color.

However, just for information, tulips are generally meaning perfect love, imagination, eternal life, and fame or showiness. They also represent rebirth, since they are one of the first flower bloom in the spring.

Red tulip symbolize true love and passion, and also a declaration of love. Purple tulip are associated with royalty. White tulips symbolize heaven and purity, and can be used to send a message of forgiveness or to claim worthiness.

Cream colored tulips represent eternal love. Pink tulips connote happiness, affection and confidence. Orange tulips also mean happiness, as well as desire, enthusiasm, warmth and energy.

Yellow tulips meaning somewhat has evolved over time. They were used to represent hopeless, unrequited love, but now they are expression for cheer, hope, joyfulness and sunshine. Variegated tulips are unique with their multi-colored patterns, signify beautiful eyes.

With wide range of colors and varieties available, tulips are allowed to be used for many different occasions, such as Valentine's Day or anniversaries. Tulip flower bouquets are favorite for wedding, and it can be mixed with other flowers too. Not only for cut flower, tulips are also beautiful in their pot. And don't forget the tulip garden. You will be amazed with array of colorful tulip flowers like a beautiful carpet in front of your eyes.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Here Are A Few Tips For Mastering The Care Of Anemones

Anemones are fascinating creatures, but have a poor survival record in captivity, are difficult to care for, and are not recommended for the beginner. However, for the dedicated aquarist, here are a few tips and tidbits for mastering the care of these amazing creatures!

1. Don't buy an anemone casually. Take the time to research the particular species you're interested in ahead of time, and have an appropriate home prepared. In the wild, anemones do not often occur in the same areas as corals, and need different requirements. The typical garden-reef style reef aquarium is not an ideal home for any anemone, especially in the long term. Anemones can live a long time, and in fact, do not die of 'old age', and can live for hundreds or thousands of years. Remember this when purchasing one of these animals, and do your best to provide an ideal, long term home. I cannot stress enough the importance of setting up a species-specific display aquarium enough, rather than simply adding it to an existing menagerie of coral and/or other reef invertebrates.

2. Ensure no pump intakes, powerheads, or prop-type pumps are left unprotected in your anemone tank. If it takes ten weeks, ten months, or ten years, your anemone will decide to wonder and become shredded if the equipment isn't anemone-proofed with foam or a screen.

3. Purchase a healthy specimen from a reputable source, preferably a quality online vendor. Online vendors often hold their livestock for 1-2 weeks before ever placing it up for sale. Anemones should never be moved more often than every week, as they cannot tolerate the stress. When choosing an anemone, select one with a tight, closed mouth and sticky tentacles that readily react to food. Drip-acclimate your anemone for at least 45 minutes.

4. Avoid purchasing Ritteri anemones, and avoid white or yellow sebae anemones. If you are a beginner to anemones, I recommend the bulb-tipped anemone, Entacmae quadricolor.

5. Feed your anemone small pieces of raw seafood minced to the size of its mouth. Anemone size is directly related to the amount it's fed, and they will grow quickly if fed often. Remember, most anemone exceed 12" in diameter.