As Spring approaches our enthusiasm for the garden miraculously begins to revive. With choice of scented plants coming into flower at this time of year, as the short list I have put together below from various sources illustrates, it is impossible not to fill your garden with fragrance. As well as those that are well-known (daffodil, lily of the valley, bluebells) I have tried to find a few that may be new to you (they were to me!).
Hyacinths (Hyacinthus orientalis) come in shades of white, pink and blue, and have a heavenly fragrance. Plant in containers in or near the house for full appreciation of their fragrance.
Daffodils (Narcissus) - there are many different types of daffodil, and several with wonderful aromas. Two are 'Bridal Crown', which has sweetly scented, double, white flowers, and 'Minnow', which has clusters of fragrant flowers with creamy yellow petals and lemon trumpets.
Lily of Valley (Convallaria majalis) produces tiny delicate white (sometimes pink) bells, which have a stunning fragrance.
Bluebells ((Hyacinthoides non-scripta) have scented nodding bell-shaped flowers that can range in colour from violet-blue to white or even pink(!). Although hard to find these days, the aroma of a carpet of bluebells in a woodland setting has to be experienced to be believed.
Cowslip (Primula veris) produces nodding fragrant yellow/green long bell-like flowers on tall stems. Other scented Primulas are also available:
- Primula 'Bon Accord Cerise' is a scented double variety with a sweet perfume of honeysuckle
- Primula 'Crathes Crimson', another double, has sweetly scented, button-like flowers that are shaded yellow at the base of each petal.
Violets - the traditional English violet (Viola odorata), long-famed for its fragrance, produces scented blue or white flowers in early spring. Other varieties are also available, some of which are also fragranced:
- Viola 'Eastgrove Blue Scented', which has with gently scented lilac flowers
- Viola 'Maggie Mott' has superbly fragranced large flowers.
Winter heliotrope (Petasites fragrans) produces attractive fragrant purple flowers early in the New Year.
Sweet woodruff (Sweetscented Bedstraw, Galium odoratum) has small white scented flowers in the late spring. Its foliage also has the aroma of cut grass, which becomes stronger when the leaves are dried.
Wallflowers (Cheiranthus) range in colour from creamy white, to shades of yellow, red and purple. Most varieties are fragranced.
Clematis - several varieties of clematis produce fragrant flowers in spring:
- Clematis armandii is a tall climber (9 ft) with long evergreen leaves that are covered with fragrant white flowers in early spring
- Clematis montana var. rubens 'Elizabeth' produces pale pink flowers and has a scent of vanilla.
- C. montana var. rubens 'Tetrarose' is a long-flowering variety with deep mauve-pink flowers and a spicy fragrance.
Wisteria (Wisteria sinensis) is a rampant climber producing 1-ft long flower heads with sweetly-scented blue/lilac blooms in May/June.
Akebia (Akebia quinata) is a semi-evergreen climber, producing small and fragrant pink/purple flowers in April/May.
Lilac (Syringa) can form a small, medium or large shrub, depending on the variety. In May/June, it produces large fragrant clusters of flowers in a range of colours from white and cream to pink and all shades of deep purple.
I hope this article gives you some ideas for next Spring - a Spring full of aroma.
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